
Events emitted by a pool

Developer note: Credit to Uniswap Labs under GPL-2.0-or-later license: https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-core/tree/main/contracts/interfaces



event Initialize(uint160 price, int24 tick)

Emitted exactly once by a pool when #initialize is first called on the pool Developer note: Mint/Burn/Swap cannot be emitted by the pool before Initialize


event Mint(address sender, address owner, int24 bottomTick, int24 topTick, uint128 liquidityAmount, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Emitted when liquidity is minted for a given position Developer note: If the top and bottom ticks match, this should be treated as a limit order


event Collect(address owner, address recipient, int24 bottomTick, int24 topTick, uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1)

Emitted when fees are collected by the owner of a position Developer note: Collect events may be emitted with zero amount0 and amount1 when the caller chooses not to collect fees


event Burn(address owner, int24 bottomTick, int24 topTick, uint128 liquidityAmount, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Emitted when a position's liquidity is removed Developer note: Does not withdraw any fees earned by the liquidity position, which must be withdrawn via #collect


event Swap(address sender, address recipient, int256 amount0, int256 amount1, uint160 price, uint128 liquidity, int24 tick)

Emitted by the pool for any swaps between token0 and token1


event Flash(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, uint256 paid0, uint256 paid1)

Emitted by the pool for any flashes of token0/token1


event CommunityFee(uint8 communityFeeNew)

Emitted when the community fee is changed by the pool


event TickSpacing(int24 newTickSpacing, int24 newTickSpacingLimitOrders)

Emitted when the tick spacing changes


event Incentive(address newIncentiveAddress)

Emitted when new activeIncentive is set


event Fee(uint16 fee)

Emitted when the fee changes inside the pool


event DataStorageFailure()

Emitted in case of an error when trying to write to the DataStorage Developer note: This shouldn't happen