
Algebra pool base abstract contract

Contains state variables, immutables and common internal functions



modifier onlyValidTicks(int24 bottomTick, int24 topTick) internal







address dataStorageOperator immutable

The contract that stores all the timepoints and can perform actions with them

address factory immutable

The contract that deployed the pool, which must adhere to the IAlgebraFactory interface

address token0 immutable

The first of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address

address token1 immutable

The second of the two tokens of the pool, sorted by address

address communityVault immutable

The contract to which community fees are transferred

uint256 totalFeeGrowth0Token

The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token0 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool

Developer note: This value can overflow the uint256

uint256 totalFeeGrowth1Token

The fee growth as a Q128.128 fees of token1 collected per unit of liquidity for the entire life of the pool

Developer note: This value can overflow the uint256

struct AlgebraPoolBase.GlobalState globalState

The globalState structure in the pool stores many values but requires only one slot and is exposed as a single method to save gas when accessed externally.

uint128 liquidity

The currently in range liquidity available to the pool

Developer note: This value has no relationship to the total liquidity across all ticks. Returned value cannot exceed type(uint128).max

int24 tickSpacing

The current tick spacing

Developer note: Ticks can only be used at multiples of this value e.g.: a tickSpacing of 60 means ticks can be initialized every 60th tick, i.e., ..., -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, ... This value is an int24 to avoid casting even though it is always positive.

int24 tickSpacingLimitOrders

The current tick spacing for limit orders

Developer note: Ticks can only be used for limit orders at multiples of this value This value is an int24 to avoid casting even though it is always positive.

uint32 communityFeeLastTimestamp

The timestamp of the last sending of tokens to community vault

int24 prevInitializedTick

The previous active tick

uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulative

The accumulator of seconds per liquidity since the pool was first initialized

address activeIncentive

Returns the information about active incentive

Developer note: if there is no active incentive at the moment, incentiveAddress would be equal to address(0)

mapping(int24 => struct TickManagement.Tick) ticks

Look up information about a specific tick in the pool

mapping(int24 => struct LimitOrderManagement.LimitOrder) limitOrders

Returns the summary information about a limit orders at tick

mapping(int16 => uint256) tickTable

Returns 256 packed tick initialized boolean values. See TickTree for more information



function maxLiquidityPerTick() external pure returns (uint128) pure external

The maximum amount of position liquidity that can use any tick in the range Developer note: This parameter is enforced per tick to prevent liquidity from overflowing a uint128 at any point, and also prevents out-of-range liquidity from being used to prevent adding in-range liquidity to a pool





The max amount of liquidity per tick


function getCommunityFeePending() external view returns (uint128, uint128) view external

The amounts of token0 and token1 that will be sent to the vault Developer note: Will be sent COMMUNITY_FEE_TRANSFER_FREQUENCY after communityFeeLastTimestamp





