Algebra GraphQL Schema

type Factory @entity {
  # factory address
  id: ID!
  # amount of pools created
  poolCount: BigInt!
  # amoutn of transactions all time
  txCount: BigInt!
  # total volume all time in derived USD
  totalVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # total volume all time in derived Matic
  totalVolumeMatic: BigDecimal!
  # total swap fees all time in USD
  totalFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # total swap fees all time in USD
  totalFeesMatic: BigDecimal!
  # all volume even through less reliable USD values
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in USD
  totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in Matic
  totalValueLockedMatic: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in USD untracked
  totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in Matic untracked
  totalValueLockedMaticUntracked: BigDecimal!
  # current owner of the factory
  owner: ID!

# stores for USD calculations
type Bundle @entity {
  id: ID!
  # price of Matic in usd
  maticPriceUSD: BigDecimal!

type Token @entity {
  # token address
  id: ID!
  # token symbol
  symbol: String!
  # token name
  name: String!
  # token decimals
  decimals: BigInt!
  # token total supply
  totalSupply: BigInt!
  # volume in token units
  volume: BigDecimal!
  # volume in derived USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # transactions across all pools that include this token
  txCount: BigInt!
  # number of pools containing this token
  poolCount: BigInt!
  # liquidity across all pools in token units
  totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
  # liquidity across all pools in derived USD
  totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in USD untracked
  totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
  # derived price in Matic
  derivedMatic: BigDecimal!
  # pools token is in that are white listed for USD pricing
  whitelistPools: [Pool!]!
  # derived fields
  tokenDayData: [TokenDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")

type Pool @entity {
  # pool address
  id: ID!
  # creation
  createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
  # block pool was created at
  createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
  # token0
  token0: Token!
  # token1
  token1: Token!
  # fee amount
  fee: BigInt!
  communityFee0: BigInt!
  communityFee1: BigInt!
  # in range liquidity
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # current price tracker
  sqrtPrice: BigInt!
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
  # token0 per token1
  token0Price: BigDecimal!
  # token1 per token0
  token1Price: BigDecimal!
  # current tick
  tick: BigInt!
  # current observation index
  observationIndex: BigInt!
  # all time token0 swapped
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time token1 swapped
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time USD swapped
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # all time USD swapped, unfiltered for unreliable USD pools
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  untrackedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # all time number of transactions
  txCount: BigInt!
  # all time fees collected token0
  collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time fees collected token1
  collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time fees collected derived USD
  collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # total token 0 across all ticks
  totalValueLockedToken0: BigDecimal!
  # total token 1 across all ticks
  totalValueLockedToken1: BigDecimal!
  feesToken0: BigDecimal!
  feesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # tvl derived Matic
  totalValueLockedMatic: BigDecimal!
  # tvl USD
  totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
  # TVL derived in USD untracked
  totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
  # Fields used to help derived relationship
  liquidityProviderCount: BigInt! # used to detect new exchanges
  # hourly snapshots of pool data
  poolHourData: [PoolHourData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  # daily snapshots of pool data
  poolDayData: [PoolDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  # derived fields
  mints: [Mint!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  burns: [Burn!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  collects: [Collect!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
  ticks: [Tick!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")

type Tick @entity {
  # format: <pool address>#<tick index>
  id: ID!
  # pool address
  poolAddress: String
  # tick index
  tickIdx: BigInt!
  # pointer to pool
  pool: Pool!
  # total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper
  liquidityGross: BigInt!
  # how much liquidity changes when tick crossed
  liquidityNet: BigInt!
  # calculated price of token0 of tick within this pool - constant
  price0: BigDecimal!
  # calculated price of token1 of tick within this pool - constant
  price1: BigDecimal!
  # lifetime volume of token0 with this tick in range
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # lifetime volume of token1 with this tick in range
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # lifetime volume in derived USD with this tick in range
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # lifetime volume in untracked USD with this tick in range
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token0
  collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token1
  collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in USD
  collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # created time
  createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
  # created block
  createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
  # Fields used to help derived relationship
  liquidityProviderCount: BigInt! # used to detect new exchanges
  # derived fields
  # swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "tick")
  # vars needed for fee computation
  feeGrowthOutside0X128: BigInt!
  feeGrowthOutside1X128: BigInt!

type Position @entity {
  # Positions created through NonfungiblePositionManager
  # NFT token id
  id: ID!
  # owner of the NFT
  owner: Bytes!
  # pool position is within
  pool: Pool!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token0: Token!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token1: Token!
  # lower tick of the position
  tickLower: Tick!
  # upper tick of the position
  tickUpper: Tick!
  # total position liquidity
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # amount of token 0 ever deposited to position
  depositedToken0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 ever deposited to position
  depositedToken1: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 0 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
  withdrawnToken0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
  withdrawnToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected token0 (withdrawnToken0 + collectedFeesToken0)
  collectedToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected token1 (withdrawnToken1 + collectedFeesToken1)
  collectedToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token0
  collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token1
  collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # tx in which the position was initialized
  transaction: Transaction!
  # vars needed for fee computation
  feeGrowthInside0LastX128: BigInt!
  feeGrowthInside1LastX128: BigInt!

  token0Tvl : BigDecimal
  token1Tvl : BigDecimal 

type PositionSnapshot @entity {
  # <NFT token id>#<block number>
  id: ID!
  # owner of the NFT
  owner: Bytes!
  # pool the position is within
  pool: Pool!
  # position of which the snap was taken of
  position: Position!
  # block in which the snap was created
  blockNumber: BigInt!
  # timestamp of block in which the snap was created
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # total position liquidity
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # amount of token 0 ever deposited to position
  depositedToken0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 ever deposited to position
  depositedToken1: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 0 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
  withdrawnToken0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
  withdrawnToken1: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token0
  collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
  # all time collected fees in token1
  collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # tx in which the snapshot was initialized
  transaction: Transaction!
  # internal vars needed for fee computation
  feeGrowthInside0LastX128: BigInt!
  feeGrowthInside1LastX128: BigInt!

type Transaction @entity {
  # txn hash
  id: ID!
  # block txn was included in
  blockNumber: BigInt!
  # timestamp txn was confirmed
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # gas used during txn execution
  gasLimit: BigInt!
  gasPrice: BigInt!
  # derived values
  mints: [Mint!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
  burns: [Burn!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
  swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
  flashed: [Flash!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
  collects: [Collect!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")

type Mint @entity {
  # transaction hash + "#" + index in mints Transaction array
  id: ID!
  # which txn the mint was included in
  transaction: Transaction!
  # time of txn
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # pool position is within
  pool: Pool!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token0: Token!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token1: Token!
  # owner of position where liquidity minted to
  owner: Bytes!
  # the address that minted the liquidity
  sender: Bytes
  # txn origin
  origin: Bytes! # the EOA that initiated the txn
  # amount of liquidity minted
  amount: BigInt!
  # amount of token 0 minted
  amount0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 minted
  amount1: BigDecimal!
  # derived amount based on available prices of tokens
  amountUSD: BigDecimal
  # lower tick of the position
  tickLower: BigInt!
  # upper tick of the position
  tickUpper: BigInt!
  # order within the txn
  logIndex: BigInt

type Burn @entity {
  # transaction hash + "#" + index in mints Transaction array
  id: ID!
  # txn burn was included in
  transaction: Transaction!
  # pool position is within
  pool: Pool!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token0: Token!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token1: Token!
  # need this to pull recent txns for specific token or pool
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # owner of position where liquidity was burned
  owner: Bytes
  # txn origin
  origin: Bytes! # the EOA that initiated the txn
  # amouny of liquidity burned
  amount: BigInt!
  # amount of token 0 burned
  amount0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token 1 burned
  amount1: BigDecimal!
  # derived amount based on available prices of tokens
  amountUSD: BigDecimal
  # lower tick of position
  tickLower: BigInt!
  # upper tick of position
  tickUpper: BigInt!
  # position within the transactions
  logIndex: BigInt

type Swap @entity {
  # transaction hash + "#" + index in swaps Transaction array
  id: ID!
  # pointer to transaction
  transaction: Transaction!
  # timestamp of transaction
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # pool swap occured within
  pool: Pool!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token0: Token!
  # allow indexing by tokens
  token1: Token!
  # sender of the swap
  sender: Bytes!
  # recipient of the swap
  recipient: Bytes!
  # liquidity after swap
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # txn origin
  origin: Bytes! # the EOA that initiated the txn
  # delta of token0 swapped
  amount0: BigDecimal!
  # delta of token1 swapped
  amount1: BigDecimal!
  # derived info
  amountUSD: BigDecimal!
  # The sqrt(price) of the pool after the swap, as a Q64.96
  price: BigInt!
  # the tick after the swap
  tick: BigInt!
  # index within the txn
  logIndex: BigInt

type Collect @entity {
  # transaction hash + "#" + index in collect Transaction array
  id: ID!
  # pointer to txn
  transaction: Transaction!
  # timestamp of event
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # pool collect occured within
  pool: Pool!
  # owner of position collect was performed on
  owner: Bytes
  # amount of token0 collected
  amount0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token1 collected
  amount1: BigDecimal!
  # derived amount based on available prices of tokens
  amountUSD: BigDecimal
  # lower tick of position
  tickLower: BigInt!
  # uppper tick of position
  tickUpper: BigInt!
  # index within the txn
  logIndex: BigInt

type Flash @entity {
  # transaction hash + "-" + index in collect Transaction array
  id: ID!
  # pointer to txn
  transaction: Transaction!
  # timestamp of event
  timestamp: BigInt!
  # pool collect occured within
  pool: Pool!
  # sender of the flash
  sender: Bytes!
  # recipient of the flash
  recipient: Bytes!
  # amount of token0 flashed
  amount0: BigDecimal!
  # amount of token1 flashed
  amount1: BigDecimal!
  # derived amount based on available prices of tokens
  amountUSD: BigDecimal!
  # amount token0 paid for flash
  amount0Paid: BigDecimal!
  # amount token1 paid for flash
  amount1Paid: BigDecimal!
  # index within the txn
  logIndex: BigInt

# Data accumulated and condensed into day stats for all of Algebra
type AlgebraDayData @entity {
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  id: ID!
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  date: Int!
  # total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of Matic
  volumeMatic: BigDecimal!
  # total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of USD untracked
  volumeUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # number of daily transactions
  txCount: BigInt!
  # tvl in terms of USD
  tvlUSD: BigDecimal!

# Data accumulated and condensed into day stats for each pool
type PoolDayData @entity {
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  id: ID!
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  date: Int!
  # pointer to pool
  pool: Pool!
  # in range liquidity at end of period
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # current price tracker at end of period
  sqrtPrice: BigInt!
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice
  token0Price: BigDecimal!
  # price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice
  token1Price: BigDecimal!
  # current tick at end of period
  tick: BigInt
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
  # tvl derived in USD at end of period
  tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
  feesToken0: BigDecimal!
  feesToken1: BigDecimal!
  # volume in token0
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # volume in token1
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # volume in USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # numebr of transactions during period
  txCount: BigInt!
  # opening price of token0
  open: BigDecimal!
  # high price of token0
  high: BigDecimal!
  # low price of token0
  low: BigDecimal!
  # close price of token0
  close: BigDecimal!

type PoolFeeData @entity{
  id: ID!

  pool: String

  timestamp: BigInt!

  fee: BigInt!


# hourly stats tracker for pool
type PoolHourData @entity {
  # format: <pool address>-<timestamp>
  id: ID!
  # unix timestamp for start of hour
  periodStartUnix: Int!
  # pointer to pool
  pool: Pool!
  # in range liquidity at end of period
  liquidity: BigInt!
  # current price tracker at end of period
  sqrtPrice: BigInt!
  # price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice
  token0Price: BigDecimal!
  # price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice
  token1Price: BigDecimal!
  # current tick at end of period
  tick: BigInt
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
  # tracker for global fee growth
  feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
  # tvl derived in USD at end of period
  tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
  # volume in token0
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # volume in token1
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # volume in USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # numebr of transactions during period
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  txCount: BigInt!
  # opening price of token0
  open: BigDecimal!
  # high price of token0
  high: BigDecimal!
  # low price of token0
  low: BigDecimal!
  # close price of token0
  close: BigDecimal!

type TickHourData @entity {
  # format: <pool address>-<tick index>-<timestamp>
  id: ID!
  # unix timestamp for start of hour
  periodStartUnix: Int!
  # pointer to pool
  pool: Pool!
  # pointer to tick
  tick: Tick!
  # total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper at end of period
  liquidityGross: BigInt!
  # how much liquidity changes when tick crossed at end of period
  liquidityNet: BigInt!
  # hourly volume of token0 with this tick in range
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # hourly volume of token1 with this tick in range
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # hourly volume in derived USD with this tick in range
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!

# Data accumulated and condensed into day stats for each exchange
# Note: this entity gets saved only if there is a change during the day
type TickDayData @entity {
  # format: <pool address>-<tick index>-<timestamp>
  id: ID!
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  date: Int!
  # pointer to pool
  pool: Pool!
  # pointer to tick
  tick: Tick!
  # total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper at end of period
  liquidityGross: BigInt!
  # how much liquidity changes when tick crossed at end of period
  liquidityNet: BigInt!
  # hourly volume of token0 with this tick in range
  volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
  # hourly volume of token1 with this tick in range
  volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
  # hourly volume in derived USD with this tick in range
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # vars needed for fee computation
  feeGrowthOutside0X128: BigInt!
  feeGrowthOutside1X128: BigInt!

type TokenDayData @entity {
  # token address concatendated with date
  id: ID!
  # timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
  date: Int!
  # pointer to token
  token: Token!
  # volume in token units
  volume: BigDecimal!
  # volume in derived USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # liquidity across all pools in token units
  totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
  # liquidity across all pools in derived USD
  totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
  # price at end of period in USD
  priceUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # opening price USD
  open: BigDecimal!
  # high price USD
  high: BigDecimal!
  # low price USD
  low: BigDecimal!
  # close price USD
  close: BigDecimal!

type TokenHourData @entity {
  # token address concatendated with date
  id: ID!
  # unix timestamp for start of hour
  periodStartUnix: Int!
  # pointer to token
  token: Token!
  # volume in token units
  volume: BigDecimal!
  # volume in derived USD
  volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
  untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
  # liquidity across all pools in token units
  totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
  # liquidity across all pools in derived USD
  totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
  # price at end of period in USD
  priceUSD: BigDecimal!
  # fees in USD
  feesUSD: BigDecimal!
  # opening price USD
  open: BigDecimal!
  # high price USD
  high: BigDecimal!
  # low price USD
  low: BigDecimal!
  # close price USD
  close: BigDecimal!

type FeeHourData @entity {
  id: ID!
  pool: String!
  fee: BigInt!
  changesCount: BigInt!
  timestamp: BigInt!
  minFee: BigInt!
  maxFee: BigInt!
  startFee: BigInt!
  endFee: BigInt! 