Subgraphs and analytics
This section is devoted to obtaining data about an instance of the Algebra Integral protocol from the corresponding indexer (The Graph procotol subgraphs).
This page describes the entity schemas in a subgraph.
Examples of requests are given on the subpage: Examples of queries
Subgraph Schema
Factory entity
# factory address
id: ID!
# amount of pools created
poolCount: BigInt!
# amoutn of transactions all time
txCount: BigInt!
# total volume all time in derived USD
totalVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# total volume all time in derived Matic
totalVolumeMatic: BigDecimal!
# total swap fees all time in USD
totalFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# total swap fees all time in USD
totalFeesMatic: BigDecimal!
# all volume even through less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# value that will be set in the pool when the pool is created
defaultCommunityFee: BigInt!
# TVL derived in Matic
totalValueLockedMatic: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in Matic untracked
totalValueLockedMaticUntracked: BigDecimal!
# current owner of the factory
owner: ID!
Bundle entity
id: ID!
# price of Matic in usdgr
maticPriceUSD: BigDecimal!
Token entity
# token address
id: ID!
# token symbol
symbol: String!
# token name
name: String!
# token decimals
decimals: BigInt!
# token total supply
totalSupply: BigInt!
# volume in token units
volume: BigDecimal!
# volume in derived USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# transactions across all pools that include this token
txCount: BigInt!
# number of pools containing this token
poolCount: BigInt!
# liquidity across all pools in token units
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
# liquidity across all pools in derived USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# derived price in Matic
derivedMatic: BigDecimal!
# pools token is in that are white listed for USD pricing
whitelistPools: [Pool!]!
# derived fields
tokenDayData: [TokenDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token")
Pool entity
# pool address
id: ID!
# creation
createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
# block pool was created at
createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
# token0
token0: Token!
# token1
token1: Token!
# fee amount
fee: BigInt!
communityFee: BigInt!
# in range liquidity
liquidity: BigInt!
# current price tracker
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
# tracker for global fee growth
feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
# tracker for global fee growth
feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
# token0 per token1
token0Price: BigDecimal!
# token1 per token0
token1Price: BigDecimal!
# current tick
tick: BigInt!
# current observation index
observationIndex: BigInt!
# all time token0 swapped
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
# all time token1 swapped
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
# all time USD swapped
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# all time USD swapped, unfiltered for unreliable USD pools
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# tick spacing
tickSpacing: BigInt!
# untracked fees in usd
untrackedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# all time number of transactions
txCount: BigInt!
# all time fees collected token0
collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
# all time fees collected token1
collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
# all time fees collected derived USD
collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
# total token 0 across all ticks
totalValueLockedToken0: BigDecimal!
# total token 1 across all ticks
totalValueLockedToken1: BigDecimal!
feesToken0: BigDecimal!
feesToken1: BigDecimal!
# tvl derived Matic
totalValueLockedMatic: BigDecimal!
# tvl USD
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
# TVL derived in USD untracked
totalValueLockedUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
# Fields used to help derived relationship
liquidityProviderCount: BigInt! # used to detect new exchanges
# hourly snapshots of pool data
poolHourData: [PoolHourData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
# daily snapshots of pool data
poolDayData: [PoolDayData!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
# derived fields
mints: [Mint!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
burns: [Burn!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
collects: [Collect!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
ticks: [Tick!]! @derivedFrom(field: "pool")
PoolPosition entity
type PoolPosition @entity {
id: ID!
pool: Pool!
lowerTick: Tick!
upperTick: Tick!
owner: Bytes!
liquidity: BigInt!
Tick entity
"format: <pool address>#<tick index>”
id: ID!
"pool address”
poolAddress: String
"tick index”
tickIdx: BigInt!
"pointer to pool”
pool: Pool!
"total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper”
liquidityGross: BigInt!
"how much liquidity changes when tick crossed”
liquidityNet: BigInt!
"calculated price of token0 of tick within this pool - constant”
price0: BigDecimal!
"calculated price of token1 of tick within this pool - constant”
price1: BigDecimal!
"lifetime volume of token0 with this tick in range”
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
"lifetime volume of token1 with this tick in range”
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
"lifetime volume in derived USD with this tick in range”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"lifetime volume in untracked USD with this tick in range”
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"all time collected fees in token0”
collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
"all time collected fees in token1”
collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
"all time collected fees in USD”
collectedFeesUSD: BigDecimal!
"created time”
createdAtTimestamp: BigInt!
"created block”
createdAtBlockNumber: BigInt!
"Fields used to help derived relationship”
liquidityProviderCount: BigInt! "used to detect new exchanges
"derived fields”
swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "tick")
"vars needed for fee computation”
feeGrowthOutside0X128: BigInt!
feeGrowthOutside1X128: BigInt!
Position entity
# Positions created through NonfungiblePositionManager
# NFT token id
id: ID!
# owner of the NFT
owner: Bytes!
# pool position is within
pool: Pool!
# allow indexing by tokens
token0: Token!
# allow indexing by tokens
token1: Token!
# lower tick of the position
tickLower: Tick!
# upper tick of the position
tickUpper: Tick!
# total position liquidity
liquidity: BigInt!
# amount of token 0 ever deposited to position
depositedToken0: BigDecimal!
# amount of token 1 ever deposited to position
depositedToken1: BigDecimal!
# amount of token 0 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
withdrawnToken0: BigDecimal!
# amount of token 1 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)
withdrawnToken1: BigDecimal!
# all time collected token0 (withdrawnToken0 + collectedFeesToken0)
collectedToken0: BigDecimal!
# all time collected token1 (withdrawnToken1 + collectedFeesToken1)
collectedToken1: BigDecimal!
# all time collected fees in token0
collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
# all time collected fees in token1
collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
# tx in which the position was initialized
transaction: Transaction!
# vars needed for fee computation
feeGrowthInside0LastX128: BigInt!
feeGrowthInside1LastX128: BigInt!
token0Tvl : BigDecimal
token1Tvl : BigDecimal
PositionSnapshot entity
"<NFT token id>#<block number>”
id: ID!
"owner of the NFT”
owner: Bytes!
"pool the position is within”
pool: Pool!
"position of which the snap was taken of”
position: Position!
"block in which the snap was created”
blockNumber: BigInt!
"timestamp of block in which the snap was created”
timestamp: BigInt!
"total position liquidity”
liquidity: BigInt!
"amount of token 0 ever deposited to position”
depositedToken0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token 1 ever deposited to position”
depositedToken1: BigDecimal!
"amount of token 0 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)”
withdrawnToken0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token 1 ever withdrawn from position (without fees)”
withdrawnToken1: BigDecimal!
"all time collected fees in token0”
collectedFeesToken0: BigDecimal!
"all time collected fees in token1”
collectedFeesToken1: BigDecimal!
"tx in which the snapshot was initialized”
transaction: Transaction!
"internal vars needed for fee computation”
feeGrowthInside0LastX128: BigInt!
feeGrowthInside1LastX128: BigInt!
Transaction entity
"txn hash”
id: ID!
"block txn was included in”
blockNumber: BigInt!
"timestamp txn was confirmed”
timestamp: BigInt!
"gas used during txn execution”
gasLimit: BigInt!
gasPrice: BigInt!
"derived values”
mints: [Mint!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
burns: [Burn!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
swaps: [Swap!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
flashed: [Flash!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
collects: [Collect!]! @derivedFrom(field: "transaction")
Mint entity
"transaction hash + "#" + index in mints Transaction array”
id: ID!
"which txn the mint was included in”
transaction: Transaction!
"time of txn”
timestamp: BigInt!
"pool position is within”
pool: Pool!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token0: Token!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token1: Token!
"owner of position where liquidity minted to”
owner: Bytes!
"the address that minted the liquidity”
sender: Bytes
"txn origin”
origin: Bytes! "the EOA that initiated the txn
"amount of liquidity minted”
amount: BigInt!
"amount of token 0 minted”
amount0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token 1 minted”
amount1: BigDecimal!
"derived amount based on available prices of tokens”
amountUSD: BigDecimal
"lower tick of the position”
tickLower: BigInt!
"upper tick of the position”
tickUpper: BigInt!
"order within the txn”
logIndex: BigInt
Burn entity
"transaction hash + "#" + index in mints Transaction array”
id: ID!
"txn burn was included in”
transaction: Transaction!
"pool position is within”
pool: Pool!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token0: Token!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token1: Token!
"need this to pull recent txns for specific token or pool”
timestamp: BigInt!
"owner of position where liquidity was burned”
owner: Bytes
"txn origin”
origin: Bytes! "the EOA that initiated the txn
"amouny of liquidity burned”
amount: BigInt!
"amount of token 0 burned”
amount0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token 1 burned”
amount1: BigDecimal!
"derived amount based on available prices of tokens”
amountUSD: BigDecimal
"lower tick of position”
tickLower: BigInt!
"upper tick of position”
tickUpper: BigInt!
"position within the transactions”
logIndex: BigInt
Swap entity
"transaction hash + "#" + index in swaps Transaction array”
id: ID!
"pointer to transaction”
transaction: Transaction!
"timestamp of transaction”
timestamp: BigInt!
"pool swap occured within”
pool: Pool!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token0: Token!
"allow indexing by tokens”
token1: Token!
"sender of the swap”
sender: Bytes!
"recipient of the swap”
recipient: Bytes!
"txn origin”
origin: Bytes! "the EOA that initiated the txn
"delta of token0 swapped”
amount0: BigDecimal!
"delta of token1 swapped”
amount1: BigDecimal!
"derived info”
amountUSD: BigDecimal!
"The sqrt(price) of the pool after the swap, as a Q64.96”
price: BigInt!
"the tick after the swap”
tick: BigInt!
"index within the txn”
logIndex: BigInt
Collect entity
"transaction hash + "#" + index in collect Transaction array”
id: ID!
"pointer to txn”
transaction: Transaction!
"timestamp of event”
timestamp: BigInt!
"pool collect occured within”
pool: Pool!
"owner of position collect was performed on”
owner: Bytes
"amount of token0 collected”
amount0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token1 collected”
amount1: BigDecimal!
"derived amount based on available prices of tokens”
amountUSD: BigDecimal
"lower tick of position”
tickLower: BigInt!
"uppper tick of position”
tickUpper: BigInt!
"index within the txn”
logIndex: BigInt
Flash entity
"transaction hash + "-" + index in collect Transaction array
id: ID!
"pointer to txn”
transaction: Transaction!
"timestamp of event”
timestamp: BigInt!
"pool collect occured within”
pool: Pool!
"sender of the flash”
sender: Bytes!
"recipient of the flash”
recipient: Bytes!
"amount of token0 flashed”
amount0: BigDecimal!
"amount of token1 flashed”
amount1: BigDecimal!
"derived amount based on available prices of tokens”
amountUSD: BigDecimal!
"amount token0 paid for flash”
amount0Paid: BigDecimal!
"amount token1 paid for flash”
amount1Paid: BigDecimal!
"index within the txn”
logIndex: BigInt
AlgebraDayData entity
Data accumulated and condensed into day stats for each pool
"timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400”
id: ID!
"timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400”
date: Int!
"total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of Matic”
volumeMatic: BigDecimal!
"total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of USD”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"total daily volume in Algebra derived in terms of USD untracked”
volumeUSDUntracked: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"number of daily transactions”
txCount: BigInt!
"tvl in terms of USD”
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
PoolDayData entity
# timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
id: ID!
# timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400
date: Int!
# pointer to pool
pool: Pool!
# in range liquidity at end of period
liquidity: BigInt!
# current price tracker at end of period
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice
token0Price: BigDecimal!
# price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice
token1Price: BigDecimal!
# current tick at end of period
tick: BigInt
# tracker for global fee growth
feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
# tracker for global fee growth
feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
# tvl derived in USD at end of period
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
feesToken0: BigDecimal!
feesToken1: BigDecimal!
# volume in token0
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
# volume in token1
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
# volume in USD
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
# fees in USD
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
# numebr of transactions during period
txCount: BigInt!
# opening price of token0
open: BigDecimal!
# high price of token0
high: BigDecimal!
# low price of token0
low: BigDecimal!
# close price of token0
close: BigDecimal!
PoolFeeData entity
“format: <pool address><timestamp>”
id: ID!
“pool address”
pool: String
“change timestamp”
timestamp: BigInt!
“fee amount, where 1 = 0.0001%”
fee: BigInt!
PoolHourData entity
"format: <pool address>-<timestamp>”
id: ID!
"unix timestamp for start of hour”
periodStartUnix: Int!
"pointer to pool”
pool: Pool!
"in range liquidity at end of period”
liquidity: BigInt!
"current price tracker at end of period”
sqrtPrice: BigInt!
"price of token0 - derived from sqrtPrice”
token0Price: BigDecimal!
"price of token1 - derived from sqrtPrice”
token1Price: BigDecimal!
"current tick at end of period”
tick: BigInt
"tracker for global fee growth”
feeGrowthGlobal0X128: BigInt!
"tracker for global fee growth”
feeGrowthGlobal1X128: BigInt!
"tvl derived in USD at end of period”
tvlUSD: BigDecimal!
"volume in token0”
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
"volume in token1”
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
"volume in USD”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"numebr of transactions during period”
txCount: BigInt!
"opening price of token0”
open: BigDecimal!
"high price of token0”
high: BigDecimal!
"low price of token0”
low: BigDecimal!
"close price of token0”
close: BigDecimal!
TickHourData entity
"format: <pool address>-<tick index>-<timestamp>”
id: ID!
"unix timestamp for start of hour”
periodStartUnix: Int!
"pointer to pool”
pool: Pool!
"pointer to tick”
tick: Tick!
"total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper at end of period”
liquidityGross: BigInt!
"how much liquidity changes when tick crossed at end of period”
liquidityNet: BigInt!
"hourly volume of token0 with this tick in range”
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
"hourly volume of token1 with this tick in range”
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
"hourly volume in derived USD with this tick in range”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
TickDayData entity
"format: <pool address>-<tick index>-<timestamp>”
id: ID!
"timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400”
date: Int!
"pointer to pool”
pool: Pool!
"pointer to tick”
tick: Tick!
"total liquidity pool has as tick lower or upper at end of period”
liquidityGross: BigInt!
"how much liquidity changes when tick crossed at end of period”
liquidityNet: BigInt!
"hourly volume of token0 with this tick in range”
volumeToken0: BigDecimal!
"hourly volume of token1 with this tick in range”
volumeToken1: BigDecimal!
"hourly volume in derived USD with this tick in range”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"vars needed for fee computation”
feeGrowthOutside0X128: BigInt!
feeGrowthOutside1X128: BigInt!
TokenDayData entity
"token address concatendated with date”
id: ID!
"timestamp rounded to current day by dividing by 86400”
date: Int!
"pointer to token”
token: Token!
"volume in token units”
volume: BigDecimal!
"volume in derived USD”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values”
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"liquidity across all pools in token units”
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
"liquidity across all pools in derived USD”
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
"price at end of period in USD”
priceUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"opening price USD”
open: BigDecimal!
"high price USD”
high: BigDecimal!
"low price USD”
low: BigDecimal!
"close price USD”
close: BigDecimal!
TokenHourData entity
"token address concatendated with date”
id: ID!
"unix timestamp for start of hour”
periodStartUnix: Int!
"pointer to token”
token: Token!
"volume in token units”
volume: BigDecimal!
"volume in derived USD”
volumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"volume in USD even on pools with less reliable USD values”
untrackedVolumeUSD: BigDecimal!
"liquidity across all pools in token units”
totalValueLocked: BigDecimal!
"liquidity across all pools in derived USD”
totalValueLockedUSD: BigDecimal!
"price at end of period in USD”
priceUSD: BigDecimal!
"fees in USD”
feesUSD: BigDecimal!
"opening price USD”
open: BigDecimal!
"high price USD”
high: BigDecimal!
"low price USD”
low: BigDecimal!
"close price USD”
close: BigDecimal!
FeeHourData entity
id: ID!
# pointer to pool
pool: String!
# sum of all fees for hour
fee: BigInt!
# count of fees changes for hour
changesCount: BigInt!
# time
timestamp: BigInt!
# min fee for hour
minFee: BigInt!
# max fee for hour
maxFee: BigInt!
# fee at the start timestamp of hour
startFee: BigInt!
# fee at the end of hour
endFee: BigInt!
Last updated