Specification and API of contracts

A conceptual, higher-level description of the Core part logic can be found in the corresponding section of this documentation.

This subsection contains a condensed API specification of the most important protocol contracts. A more detailed API specification, including all contracts, is located in the protocol repository: the Algebra Integral protocol repository. This specification is generated automatically using natspec annotations of functions and state variables of smart contracts.

  • Algebra Pool - liquidity pool of Algebra Integral

  • Algebra Factory - factory of liquidity pools (and access manager)

  • Swap Router - default peripheral router for swaps

  • Nonfungible Position Manager - default position management contract (with NFT)

  • Quoter - allows getting the expected amount out or amount in for a given swap without executing the swap (also off-chain)

  • QuoterV2 - version of Quoter returning more data

  • TickLens - a contract that allows conveniently fetch information about ticks in the pool

Information about custom errors that the pool can throw:


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